Tutorial on how to Create, Edit, Manage or Delete a Post

This tutorial will show how you can create, edit, manage or delete a postThis tutorial is highly adapted from the Official Google Support Page "Create, edit, manage, or delete a post".

Create a New Post:

1) Sign in
2) Click new post. 

locating new post

3) To see how it looks like click preview. 

locating content place for new post

4) Click Save or Publish to publish. 

To Edit a Post:

1) Sign in 
2) Click the post you want to edit.
showing how to edit, and manage a post

3) Make changes and click save or publish if it's not published.

4) If it's published, click update or revert to draft. 

To Manage a Post:

1) Sign in
2) On the right side click labels.

showing how to apply labels on post

3) Add labels or edit existing labels and save.

To Delete a Post:

1) Sign in
showing how to delete a post

2) Click the post you want to delete, then delete. 

To Preview your blog post, click the eye icon.

showing eye icon to preview a post


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